Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund kopen of niet?
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund is een bekend bedrijf dat genoteerd staat op de New York Stock Exchange Inc. is momenteel de CEO van het bedrijf. geeft jou een kijkje in de financiële cijfers van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund. Voordat je in het Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandeel wilt investeren, is het van belang om op de hoogte te zijn van de gezondheid van het bedrijf.
Wij geven je niet alleen de actuele Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund koers. Ook geven wij je koersdoelen, verwachtingen en achtergrondinformatie over Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund. Wil je direct het Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandeel kopen? Dan verwijzen we je door naar deze broker of deze broker.
Actuele Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund koers
Datum | 17 juli 2023 |
Slotkoers | $13,49 +0,30% |
Handelsvolume | 36.888 |
Openingskoers | $13,45 |
Hoogste koers | $13,51 |
Laagste koers | $13,42 |
Koersbereik | $0,09 |
Ticker | BGH |
Exchange | New York Stock Exchange Inc |
Vandaag kopen of niet?
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund koers laatste 30 dagen
Datum | Slotkoers | Verschil | Volume | Open | Hoogste | Laagste |
17 juli 2023 | $13,49 | +0,30% | 36.888 | $13,45 | $13,51 | $13,42 |
14 juli 2023 | $13,42 | –0,15% | 47.489 | $13,44 | $13,50 | $13,38 |
13 juli 2023 | $13,44 | –0,74% | 45.210 | $13,54 | $13,55 | $13,43 |
12 juli 2023 | $13,47 | +0,52% | 52.317 | $13,40 | $13,51 | $13,33 |
11 juli 2023 | $13,34 | +0,60% | 102.774 | $13,26 | $13,34 | $13,24 |
7 juli 2023 | $13,19 | +0,38% | 33.791 | $13,14 | $13,22 | $13,11 |
6 juli 2023 | $13,13 | –0,53% | 64.773 | $13,20 | $13,20 | $13,08 |
5 juli 2023 | $13,27 | +0,99% | 91.534 | $13,14 | $13,27 | $13,08 |
3 juli 2023 | $13,13 | –0,30% | 38.823 | $13,17 | $13,22 | $13,08 |
30 juni 2023 | $13,04 | –0,38% | 80.639 | $13,09 | $13,10 | $13,00 |
29 juni 2023 | $12,99 | –1,37% | 86.304 | $13,17 | $13,17 | $12,97 |
28 juni 2023 | $13,12 | +0,54% | 41.190 | $13,05 | $13,12 | $13,02 |
27 juni 2023 | $13,02 | –0,53% | 60.790 | $13,09 | $13,09 | $13,00 |
26 juni 2023 | $13,07 | 0,00% | 54.744 | $13,07 | $13,15 | $13,03 |
23 juni 2023 | $13,10 | –0,46% | 44.971 | $13,16 | $13,17 | $13,07 |
22 juni 2023 | $13,09 | –0,83% | 68.351 | $13,20 | $13,29 | $13,07 |
21 juni 2023 | $13,20 | –0,38% | 45.403 | $13,25 | $13,30 | $13,19 |
20 juni 2023 | $13,38 | +0,53% | 64.600 | $13,31 | $13,44 | $13,31 |
16 juni 2023 | $13,29 | 0,00% | 46.683 | $13,29 | $13,36 | $13,21 |
15 juni 2023 | $13,31 | –0,22% | 91.128 | $13,34 | $13,40 | $13,13 |
14 juni 2023 | $13,40 | +1,90% | 313.088 | $13,15 | $13,41 | $13,12 |
13 juni 2023 | $13,16 | +0,92% | 67.055 | $13,04 | $13,20 | $13,02 |
12 juni 2023 | $13,01 | +0,23% | 14.967 | $12,98 | $13,03 | $12,96 |
9 juni 2023 | $12,95 | –0,54% | 23.866 | $13,02 | $13,04 | $12,94 |
8 juni 2023 | $13,02 | 0,00% | 22.995 | $13,02 | $13,05 | $13,01 |
7 juni 2023 | $13,01 | +0,46% | 54.444 | $12,95 | $13,03 | $12,93 |
6 juni 2023 | $12,92 | +0,16% | 69.048 | $12,90 | $12,92 | $12,79 |
5 juni 2023 | $12,87 | –0,62% | 19.206 | $12,95 | $12,95 | $12,85 |
2 juni 2023 | $12,91 | 0,00% | 54.004 | $12,91 | $12,98 | $12,80 |
31 mei 2023 | $12,72 | +0,95% | 58.685 | $12,60 | $12,74 | $12,59 |
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund details
Bedrijfsnaam | Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund |
Land | Verenigde Staten |
Adres | 1500 Main St., Ste 2800 |
Provincie / staat | Massachusetts |
Medewerkers | Geen data beschikbaar |
Officiële website | |
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen advies
Voordat je zomaar aandelen van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund koopt, wil je natuurlijk weten wat je kunt verwachten van de aandelen koers van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund in 2023. Er zijn verschillende aspecten die een rol spelen in de verwachting van de koers. Zo speelt de algemene economie van de wereld een rol, maar ook Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund als bedrijf is een belangrijke factor.
De verwachtingen voor de koers zijn erg positief. Dit komt vooral door het positieve nieuws dat over Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund uit is gekomen de laatste tijd. Bedrijven die al op de beurs te vinden zijn, zoals Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, geven jaarlijks hun doelen en plannen aan. Vanuit hier wordt de koersverwachting opgesteld.
De koersverwachting wordt opgesteld door deskundigen die financieel advies geven over Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen. Wij geven geen financieel advies. Het enige wat wij delen, zijn onze verwachtingen van de Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen.
Zijn aandelen van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund de moeite waar om te kopen of niet? De prognose van de Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen blijft gewoon een prognose. Daarom is het belangrijk om zelf kennis op te doen over het bedrijf en ook de oude koers in de gaten te houden. Vanuit deze bevindingen kun je zelf bepalen of Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen voor jou weggelegd zijn.
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen verwachting
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen kopen kan qua rendement veel voordeliger zijn dan je geld op een spaarrekening te plaatsen. Wel loop je een groter risico om je geld kwijt te raken. Aangezien je je geld kunt verliezen, moet je ook goed nadenken of Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen voor je weggelegd zijn.
Het lastige aan aandelen is dat een beursgenoteerd bedrijf als Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund te maken kan krijgen met negatief nieuws of tegenvallende cijfers. Dit kan resulteren in een flinke waardedaling voor de aandelen. Hier moet je altijd op voorbereid zijn.
Voordat je zomaar Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen gaat kopen, is het daarom handig om jezelf de volgende vragen te stellen:
- Is de financiële gezondheid van het bedrijf op orde
- Waar is het bedrijf bekend van?
- Welke doelen stelt het bedrijf aan de koers?
- Wat wordt er verwacht van de aandelenkoers van het bedrijf?
- Wat is de missie en visie van het bedrijf?
- Is het een gezonde organisatie?
- Wat kost een aandeel van het bedrijf?
- Heeft het bedrijf recent positieve investeringen gemaakt?
Deze vragen kunnen je mening vormen of het een goed idee is om Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen te kopen. Je bent nooit zeker van de koers van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen, maar je kunt wel een weloverwogen investering maken. Als je op de hoogte bent van de huidige situatie, is het makkelijker om een verstandige keuze te maken.
Als je Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen kopen wilt, is het handig om te letten op het aandelen nieuws en algemeen nieuws over Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund als bedrijf. Daarnaast kan een technische analyse van een deskundige bekeken worden. Dit kan je een goed beeld geven van wat je kunt verwachten.
Wij hebben positieve verwachtingen als het gaat om Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen. Veel deskundigen hebben ook positieve verwachtingen van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen. Zo wordt er veel voorspeld dat de waarde van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund de komende jaren flink zal stijgen.
Het is aan ons te bepalen of je een aandeel wel of niet moet kopen. Deze vraag moet je zelf weten te beantwoorden. Het is belangrijk om zelf onderzoek te doen naar de markt voordat je investeert in een aandeel. Wij geven hier geen financieel advies over.
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund koersgrafiek
Advies over Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen
Als je wilt investeren in Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen, is het belangrijk om goed op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste feiten. Om dit te doen, is het handig het nieuws over het bedrijf en de aandelen goed in de gaten te houden. Verder is het handig om de koers in de gaten te houden en analyses van deskundigen door te nemen.
De nieuwste ontwikkelingen van een bedrijf hebben meestal een grote invloed op de koers. Bij Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund is dit goed terug te zien. Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund is een belangrijk bedrijf en komt daarom ook veel terug in de algemene economie.
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de sector van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund spelen daarom een grote rol in het stijgen of dalen van de koers. Ontwikkelingen hebben altijd een direct gevolg in de vorm van een stijging of daling. Door de marktontwikkelingen in de sector van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund goed in de gaten te houden, voorkom je dat je te maken krijgt met onverwachte koersveranderingen.
Hieronder kun je zien hoe vaak er op het moment naar Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund wordt gezocht op Google. Dit kan een belangrijke indicator zijn voor een koersverandering!
Gaat de waarde van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund omhoog?
We kunnen zien dat Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund de mogelijkheid heeft om veel te groeien. Het is niet met zekerheid te zeggen dat de prijs van de aandelen omhoog gaat, maar aan de hand van oude cijfers ziet het er goed uit. We kunnen nog veel verwachten van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund.
Wel is het belangrijk om alle stappen van het bedrijf goed te volgen en ook de concurrenten in de gaten te houden. Hierdoor kun je zelf ook inzien of de waarde van de aandelen het komende jaar gaat stijgen.
Veelgestelde vragen
Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen kopen of niet?
Wij kunnen geen financieel advies geven. We kunnen daarom niet zeggen of Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen kopen verstandig is. De beslissing is aan jezelf om te maken. Voordat je aandelen koopt, raden we altijd aan om onderzoek te doen naar het bedrijf en de markt. Daarnaast is het verstandig om te kijken naar technische analyses van deskundigen op het gebied. Vanuit de voorspellingen van deze analyses kun je zelf bepalen of je Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen kopen wilt.
Hoe kun je een Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandeel aanschaffen?
Als je een Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandeel wilt aanschaffen, moet dit bijna altijd via een broker, zoals DEGIRO. Om een Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandeel te kopen, moet je eerst een rekening bij DEGIRO openen. Hierna is het mogelijk om Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund aandelen te kopen en verkopen.
Is Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund op de beursgenoteerd?
Voordat je een aandeel koopt, is het wel zo prettig om te weten of een bedrijf beursgenoteerd is. Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund is genoteerd op de Nasdaq. Om deze aandelen van de beurs te kopen, zul je dit moeten doen via een rekening van een broker, zoals DEGIRO.
Krijg je dividend van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund?
Je krijgt eigenlijk altijd dividend van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund. Wat het percentage dividend is, zul je op de website van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund moeten kijken. Als de plannen gewijzigd worden, wordt dit ook duidelijk aangegeven op de website van Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund.
Andere aandelen
Naam | Exchange | Laatste slotkoers | Datum | Verschil vorige slotkoers | Volume | Open | Hoogste | Laagste |
Aalberts | AEX | €38,44 | 17-07-2023 | +0,21% | €123.872 | €38,36 | €38,73 | €38,14 |
ASN Mixfonds 4 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
ABN AMRO | AEX | €15,10 | 17-07-2023 | +0,90% | €2.107.235 | €14,97 | €15,16 | €14,93 |
Accell Group | AEX | €57,55 | 19-08-2022 | +0,09% | €6.783 | €57,50 | €57,90 | €57,50 |
Amsterdam Commodities | AEX | €22,20 | 17-07-2023 | –0,45% | €3.023 | €22,30 | €22,30 | €22,10 |
Ahold Delhaize | AEX | €30,88 | 17-07-2023 | +0,13% | €1.231.924 | €30,84 | €31,00 | €30,69 |
Adyen | AEX | €1.547,20 | 17-07-2023 | –0,82% | €49.991 | €1.560,00 | €1.564,80 | €1.545,40 |
Aegon | AEX | €4,69 | 17-07-2023 | –0,06% | €4.040.366 | €4,69 | €4,74 | €4,65 |
AFC Ajax | AEX | €11,70 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | €4.007 | €11,70 | €11,70 | €11,40 |
Akzo Nobel | AEX | €73,10 | 17-07-2023 | +0,14% | €162.456 | €73,00 | €73,60 | €72,72 |
Alfen | AEX | €56,54 | 17-07-2023 | +0,93% | €87.580 | €56,02 | €56,54 | €55,26 |
Alumexx | AEX | €0,65 | 17-07-2023 | –5,80% | €513 | €0,69 | €0,69 | €0,65 |
Advanced Metallurgical Group | AEX | €48,29 | 17-07-2023 | –1,05% | €179.528 | €48,80 | €48,90 | €47,84 |
AND International Publisher | AEX | €1,80 | 29-01-2021 | +0,28% | €4.524 | €1,80 | €1,85 | €1,80 |
Aperam | AEX | €28,98 | 17-07-2023 | –0,07% | €108.894 | €29,00 | €29,06 | €28,79 |
Arcadis | AEX | €38,70 | 17-07-2023 | –0,31% | €47.869 | €38,82 | €38,88 | €38,70 |
Arcona Property Fund | AEX | €5,44 | 12-07-2023 | +2,26% | €501 | €5,32 | €5,44 | €5,32 |
ASM International | AEX | €410,90 | 17-07-2023 | +0,05% | €110.874 | €410,70 | €415,30 | €407,00 |
ASML Holding | AEX | €664,70 | 17-07-2023 | –1,09% | €513.490 | €672,00 | €676,90 | €656,30 |
ASR Nederland | AEX | €39,64 | 17-07-2023 | –1,12% | €558.893 | €40,09 | €40,16 | €39,54 |
Altice Europe | AEX | €5,34 | 26-01-2021 | +0,41% | €10.163.044 | €5,32 | €5,35 | €5,32 |
Altice Europe | AEX | €5,33 | 26-01-2021 | +1,33% | €80.803 | €5,26 | €5,35 | €5,19 |
Atrium European Real Estate | AEX | €3,00 | 14-02-2022 | +0,17% | €8.083 | €3,00 | €3,03 | €2,91 |
Avantium | AEX | €3,47 | 17-07-2023 | –2,67% | €164.298 | €3,56 | €3,56 | €3,46 |
Accsys Technologies | AEX | €1,00 | 17-07-2023 | –0,99% | €71.644 | €1,01 | €1,02 | €1,00 |
BAM Group | AEX | €1,95 | 17-07-2023 | –1,22% | €834.576 | €1,97 | €1,98 | €1,94 |
Beter Bed Holding | AEX | €5,74 | 17-07-2023 | –0,17% | €111.855 | €5,75 | €5,75 | €5,74 |
Be Semiconductor Industries | AEX | €105,75 | 17-07-2023 | +1,05% | €264.671 | €104,65 | €106,35 | €104,55 |
Bever Holding | AEX | €3,72 | 29-11-2021 | 0,00% | €3 | €3,72 | €3,72 | €3,72 |
Basic-Fit | AEX | €32,88 | 17-07-2023 | –1,14% | €71.097 | €33,26 | €33,34 | €32,84 |
Boussard & Gavaudan Holding | AEX | €21,80 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | €53 | €21,80 | €21,80 | €21,80 |
Boussard & Gavaudan Holding | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Boskalis Westminster | AEX | €32,82 | 08-11-2022 | +0,31% | €46.527 | €32,72 | €32,90 | €32,72 |
Lucas Bols | AEX | €10,35 | 17-07-2023 | +0,49% | €2.673 | €10,30 | €10,35 | €10,25 |
Brill | AEX | €19,60 | 17-07-2023 | –0,51% | €490 | €19,70 | €19,70 | €19,60 |
Brunel International | AEX | €12,20 | 17-07-2023 | –0,81% | €19.574 | €12,30 | €12,34 | €12,20 |
BNP Paribas Small Companies Netherlands Fund 8 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
B&S Group | AEX | €3,92 | 17-07-2023 | –1,01% | €27.552 | €3,96 | €3,96 | €3,90 |
Coca-Cola European Partners | AEX | €58,50 | 17-07-2023 | –0,34% | €17.908 | €58,70 | €58,70 | €58,00 |
Core Laboratories | AEX | €21,00 | 02-12-2022 | +2,44% | €2.078 | €20,50 | €21,00 | €19,50 |
CM.COM | AEX | €9,45 | 17-07-2023 | –1,05% | €18.353 | €9,55 | €9,55 | €9,42 |
Corbion | AEX | €21,96 | 17-07-2023 | +0,27% | €41.596 | €21,90 | €22,02 | €21,80 |
Ctac | AEX | €3,84 | 17-07-2023 | –1,03% | €105 | €3,88 | €3,88 | €3,84 |
DGB Group | AEX | €0,50 | 17-07-2023 | –1,59% | €41.268 | €0,50 | €0,50 | €0,50 |
Delta Lloyd Azie Deelnemingen Fonds | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Delta Lloyd Mix Fonds | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Delta Lloyd Nederland Fonds | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Delta Lloyd Rente Fods | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
DPA Group | AEX | €0,10 | 04-03-2022 | –9,91% | €322.489 | €0,11 | €0,12 | €0,10 |
Dutch Star Companies Two | AEX | €10,00 | 28-02-2022 | –0,50% | €2.320 | €10,05 | €10,30 | €10,00 |
DSM | AEX | €114,05 | 30-05-2023 | +0,84% | €213.210 | €113,10 | €114,50 | €113,10 |
Ease2pay | AEX | €0,82 | 17-07-2023 | –3,06% | €8.569 | €0,85 | €0,87 | €0,82 |
Eurocommercial Property | AEX | €21,76 | 17-07-2023 | –2,25% | €20.663 | €22,26 | €22,26 | €21,70 |
Eurocastle Investment | AEX | $7,25 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $208 | $7,25 | $7,25 | $7,25 |
Envipco Hldgs | AEX | €2,64 | 17-07-2023 | +6,45% | €4.220 | €2,48 | €2,64 | €2,48 |
ESG Core Investments | AEX | €9,95 | 19-04-2023 | 0,00% | €272 | €9,95 | €9,95 | €9,95 |
Esperite | AEX | €0,01 | 28-10-2022 | –9,80% | €1.968.024 | €0,01 | €0,01 | €0,01 |
Fastned | AEX | €27,90 | 17-07-2023 | –1,41% | €17.245 | €28,30 | €28,30 | €27,80 |
Forfarmers | AEX | €2,76 | 17-07-2023 | –1,61% | €64.141 | €2,80 | €2,81 | €2,74 |
Flow Traders | AEX | €19,80 | 17-07-2023 | –0,05% | €119.849 | €19,81 | €19,92 | €19,77 |
FNG | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Fugro | AEX | €14,84 | 17-07-2023 | –0,13% | €176.629 | €14,86 | €14,95 | €14,71 |
Galapagos | AEX | €37,65 | 17-07-2023 | +1,35% | €85.426 | €37,15 | €38,06 | €37,12 |
GeoJunxion | AEX | €1,06 | 17-07-2023 | +0,95% | €570 | €1,05 | €1,06 | €1,05 |
GrandVision | AEX | €28,35 | 29-11-2021 | –0,35% | €12.195 | €28,45 | €28,45 | €28,35 |
Heineken | AEX | €96,58 | 17-07-2023 | –0,66% | €348.700 | €97,22 | €97,48 | €96,50 |
Heijmans | AEX | €12,12 | 17-07-2023 | –0,49% | €56.418 | €12,18 | €12,24 | €11,88 |
Heineken Holdings | AEX | €80,10 | 17-07-2023 | –1,11% | €75.077 | €81,00 | €81,20 | €80,10 |
Holland Colours | AEX | €107,00 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | €910 | €107,00 | €108,00 | €105,00 |
Hydratec Industries | AEX | €84,00 | 17-07-2023 | –1,18% | €27 | €85,00 | €85,00 | €84,00 |
ICT GROUP | AEX | €14,25 | 03-09-2021 | –1,38% | €1.584 | €14,45 | €14,50 | €14,25 |
IEX Group | AEX | €1,76 | 17-07-2023 | +0,57% | €525 | €1,75 | €1,76 | €1,75 |
IMCD | AEX | €135,15 | 17-07-2023 | +0,86% | €82.273 | €134,00 | €135,40 | €133,35 |
ING Groep | AEX | €12,89 | 17-07-2023 | +0,86% | €6.123.538 | €12,78 | €12,98 | €12,75 |
Ing Duurzaam Aandelen Fonds | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Inpost S.A | AEX | €9,99 | 17-07-2023 | –2,86% | €454.211 | €10,28 | €10,35 | €9,99 |
Intertrust | AEX | €19,72 | 23-12-2022 | –0,50% | €12.331 | €19,82 | €19,84 | €19,72 |
JDE Peet`s | AEX | €26,82 | 17-07-2023 | +0,07% | €100.380 | €26,80 | €26,98 | €26,80 |
Kiadis Pharma | AEX | €5,46 | 24-05-2021 | +1,68% | €10.591 | €5,37 | €5,46 | €5,37 |
Kempen Global Bond Fund | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Kempen European High Divividend Fund | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Kendrion | AEX | €16,06 | 17-07-2023 | –0,62% | €9.881 | €16,16 | €16,20 | €15,94 |
Kempen Oranje Participaties | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
KPN | AEX | €3,27 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | €6.976.646 | €3,27 | €3,30 | €3,27 |
Kempen Profielfonds 2 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Kempen Profielfonds 4 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Kempen Profielfonds 3 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Kempen Profielfonds 5 | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Leo Capital Growth SPC | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Signify | AEX | €27,39 | 17-07-2023 | +0,26% | €205.026 | €27,32 | €27,54 | €27,26 |
Lavide Holdings | AEX | €0,28 | 17-07-2023 | +7,69% | €2.741 | €0,26 | €0,28 | €0,26 |
Marel hf | AEX | €2,78 | 17-07-2023 | +1,09% | €15.887 | €2,75 | €2,78 | €2,75 |
Morefield Group | AEX | €0,30 | 17-07-2023 | –3,25% | €750 | €0,31 | €0,31 | €0,30 |
ArcelorMittal | AEX | €24,89 | 17-07-2023 | +0,48% | €1.083.526 | €24,77 | €25,07 | €24,70 |
Nederlandse Beleggingsmaatschappij Voor Zeeschepen | AEX | €5,15 | 14-07-2023 | 0,00% | €1.205 | €5,15 | €5,15 | €5,15 |
Nedap (Nederlandsche Apparatenf) | AEX | €58,00 | 17-07-2023 | +1,05% | €1.570 | €57,40 | €58,00 | €57,20 |
MKB Nedsense | AEX | €0,10 | 17-07-2023 | –0,95% | €5.833 | €0,11 | €0,11 | €0,10 |
Neways Electronics International | AEX | €12,75 | 15-07-2022 | +1,59% | €2.154 | €12,55 | €12,75 | €12,40 |
Nibc Holding | AEX | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
NN Group | AEX | €33,69 | 17-07-2023 | +0,12% | €716.557 | €33,65 | €34,01 | €33,65 |
Naam | Exchange | Laatste slotkoers | Datum | Verschil vorige slotkoers | Volume | Open | Hoogste | Laagste |
Agilent Technologies | NYSE | $118,25 | 17-07-2023 | –1,42% | $1.123.041 | $119,95 | $119,98 | $117,66 |
Alcoa | NYSE | $35,57 | 17-07-2023 | +3,55% | $6.405.879 | $34,35 | $36,05 | $34,25 |
Arlington Asset Investment | NYSE | $4,68 | 17-07-2023 | –0,21% | $237.244 | $4,69 | $4,69 | $4,63 |
Aarons Company Inc (The) | NYSE | $15,09 | 17-07-2023 | +2,72% | $226.893 | $14,69 | $15,17 | $14,64 |
Aarons Company Inc (The) | NYSE | $22,30 | 27-11-2020 | –15,37% | $5.150 | $26,35 | $26,35 | $22,30 |
Advance Auto Parts | NYSE | $69,48 | 17-07-2023 | –1,68% | $2.062.309 | $70,67 | $70,71 | $68,86 |
American Assets Trust | NYSE | $20,85 | 17-07-2023 | +0,48% | $350.142 | $20,75 | $20,95 | $20,64 |
ABB | NYSE | $37,13 | 22-05-2023 | –1,01% | $6.388.480 | $37,51 | $37,58 | $37,11 |
Abbvie | NYSE | $134,83 | 17-07-2023 | –0,73% | $4.033.127 | $135,82 | $136,23 | $134,56 |
Amerisource Bergen | NYSE | $192,14 | 17-07-2023 | +0,28% | $727.346 | $191,61 | $192,42 | $191,09 |
Ambev | NYSE | $3,04 | 17-07-2023 | +0,50% | $16.989.017 | $3,03 | $3,05 | $2,99 |
Asbury Automotive Group | NYSE | $244,23 | 17-07-2023 | +0,65% | $140.380 | $242,66 | $246,92 | $240,88 |
ABM Industries | NYSE | $42,36 | 17-07-2023 | –0,24% | $391.301 | $42,46 | $42,78 | $42,30 |
Arbor Realty Trust | NYSE | $16,08 | 17-07-2023 | +1,90% | $2.030.923 | $15,78 | $16,10 | $15,70 |
Abbott Laboratories | NYSE | $107,00 | 17-07-2023 | –0,50% | $4.581.024 | $107,54 | $107,71 | $106,71 |
Associated Capital Group | NYSE | $36,18 | 17-07-2023 | –1,15% | $3.654 | $36,60 | $36,60 | $36,15 |
Arcosa | NYSE | $75,89 | 17-07-2023 | +0,94% | $461.258 | $75,18 | $76,08 | $74,41 |
Aurora Cannabis | NYSE | $0,53 | 17-07-2023 | –0,82% | $3.355.924 | $0,53 | $0,54 | $0,52 |
American Campus Communities | NYSE | $65,39 | 04-08-2022 | +0,02% | $5.737.887 | $65,38 | $65,43 | $65,36 |
Acco Brands | NYSE | $5,64 | 17-07-2023 | +0,36% | $431.792 | $5,62 | $5,68 | $5,56 |
Accel Entertainment | NYSE | $11,08 | 17-07-2023 | +1,56% | $275.202 | $10,91 | $11,08 | $10,86 |
Aluminum Corporation Of China | NYSE | $9,04 | 01-09-2022 | +1,12% | $32.748 | $8,94 | $9,05 | $8,92 |
Albertsons Companies | NYSE | $22,00 | 17-07-2023 | +0,55% | $2.298.889 | $21,88 | $22,07 | $21,80 |
Atlas Crest Investment | NYSE | $9,48 | 17-09-2021 | –4,24% | $892.052 | $9,90 | $10,00 | $9,36 |
AECOM | NYSE | $87,32 | 17-07-2023 | +0,61% | $421.007 | $86,79 | $87,49 | $86,52 |
Accenture | NYSE | $319,78 | 17-07-2023 | +1,30% | $2.033.441 | $315,68 | $320,73 | $315,01 |
Ascendant Digital Acquisition | NYSE | $9,52 | 21-07-2021 | +8,06% | $195.494 | $8,81 | $9,76 | $8,81 |
Aberdeen Income Credit Strategies Fund | NYSE | $6,92 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $667.425 | $6,92 | $6,94 | $6,88 |
Ares Commercial Real Estate | NYSE | $10,70 | 17-07-2023 | +0,99% | $566.098 | $10,60 | $10,72 | $10,52 |
Virtus AllianzGI Diversified Income & Convertible Fund | NYSE | $20,07 | 17-07-2023 | –0,25% | $33.215 | $20,12 | $20,12 | $19,98 |
Agree Realty | NYSE | $65,72 | 17-07-2023 | +0,49% | $737.379 | $65,40 | $65,94 | $65,20 |
Adc Therapeutics | NYSE | $1,57 | 17-07-2023 | +2,61% | $428.298 | $1,53 | $1,58 | $1,51 |
Archer Daniels Midland | NYSE | $79,56 | 17-07-2023 | +1,18% | $2.441.670 | $78,63 | $79,76 | $78,27 |
Adient | NYSE | $41,44 | 17-07-2023 | –0,19% | $587.998 | $41,52 | $42,08 | $41,33 |
Alliance Data System | NYSE | $56,80 | 01-04-2022 | –0,07% | $463.839 | $56,84 | $57,82 | $56,29 |
ADS Tactical | NYSE | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
ADT | NYSE | $6,45 | 17-07-2023 | +1,57% | $2.609.806 | $6,35 | $6,51 | $6,31 |
Adams Diversified Equity Fund | NYSE | $17,18 | 17-07-2023 | +0,35% | $128.980 | $17,12 | $17,20 | $17,10 |
Ameren | NYSE | $84,43 | 17-07-2023 | –1,00% | $1.875.691 | $85,28 | $85,45 | $84,20 |
Aegon | NYSE | $5,24 | 17-07-2023 | +0,19% | $1.013.374 | $5,23 | $5,25 | $5,22 |
American Equity Investment Life Holding | NYSE | $53,59 | 17-07-2023 | +0,22% | $776.832 | $53,47 | $53,77 | $53,38 |
Agnico Eagle Mines | NYSE | $52,63 | 17-07-2023 | +0,92% | $1.142.091 | $52,15 | $52,98 | $51,97 |
Aenza S.A.A | NYSE | $1,74 | 17-07-2023 | –6,95% | $1.249 | $1,87 | $1,87 | $1,74 |
American Eagle Outfitters | NYSE | $12,66 | 17-07-2023 | +2,26% | $5.745.397 | $12,38 | $12,81 | $12,20 |
Aercap Holdings | NYSE | $64,83 | 17-07-2023 | +1,65% | $738.989 | $63,78 | $65,15 | $63,78 |
AES | NYSE | $21,38 | 17-07-2023 | –0,23% | $2.656.036 | $21,43 | $21,58 | $21,16 |
AllianceBernstein National Municipal Income Fund | NYSE | $10,72 | 17-07-2023 | –0,83% | $28.773 | $10,81 | $10,81 | $10,68 |
American Financial Group | NYSE | $116,18 | 17-07-2023 | +1,12% | $200.732 | $114,89 | $117,05 | $114,14 |
AFG Holdings | NYSE | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Armstrong Flooring | NYSE | $0,35 | 20-05-2022 | –11,29% | $2.996.040 | $0,40 | $0,42 | $0,35 |
Aflac | NYSE | $70,38 | 17-07-2023 | +1,43% | $1.525.191 | $69,39 | $70,81 | $69,00 |
Apollo Senior Floating Rate Fund | NYSE | $13,03 | 17-07-2023 | +0,23% | $59.554 | $13,00 | $13,04 | $12,97 |
First Majestic Silver | NYSE | $6,64 | 17-07-2023 | +2,79% | $4.333.107 | $6,46 | $6,66 | $6,39 |
Altimeter Growth Corp 2 | NYSE | $10,11 | 20-12-2022 | +0,05% | $1.910 | $10,10 | $10,11 | $10,10 |
AGCO | NYSE | $136,23 | 17-07-2023 | +0,99% | $384.601 | $134,90 | $136,64 | $134,24 |
Aberdeen Global Dynamic Dividend Fund | NYSE | $9,61 | 17-07-2023 | –0,41% | $47.931 | $9,65 | $9,70 | $9,60 |
Alamos Gold | NYSE | $12,73 | 17-07-2023 | +1,11% | $1.688.963 | $12,59 | $12,80 | $12,52 |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage | NYSE | $153,11 | 17-07-2023 | +2,11% | $53.693 | $149,95 | $153,12 | $149,95 |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage | NYSE | $124,80 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $117 | $124,80 | $124,80 | $124,80 |
Assured Guaranty | NYSE | $57,65 | 17-07-2023 | +2,11% | $240.708 | $56,46 | $58,09 | $56,26 |
Avangrid | NYSE | $37,68 | 17-07-2023 | –0,61% | $553.200 | $37,91 | $38,12 | $37,65 |
Adecoagro | NYSE | $10,45 | 17-07-2023 | +3,98% | $1.109.193 | $10,05 | $10,52 | $9,88 |
PlayAGS | NYSE | $6,50 | 17-07-2023 | +4,00% | $525.012 | $6,25 | $6,72 | $6,23 |
Argan | NYSE | $39,64 | 17-07-2023 | –1,17% | $98.603 | $40,11 | $40,19 | $39,58 |
A.H. Belo | NYSE | $4,01 | 16-05-2023 | 0,00% | $200 | $4,01 | $4,01 | $4,01 |
Armada Hoffler Properties | NYSE | $12,27 | 17-07-2023 | –0,08% | $206.278 | $12,28 | $12,34 | $12,20 |
AmeriHome | NYSE | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Ashford Hospitality Trust | NYSE | $3,71 | 17-07-2023 | –3,89% | $374.242 | $3,86 | $3,92 | $3,71 | | NYSE | $38,73 | 17-07-2023 | +4,11% | $19.596.834 | $37,20 | $40,25 | $36,45 |
Apollo Tactical Income Fund | NYSE | $12,90 | 17-07-2023 | +0,47% | $60.218 | $12,84 | $12,94 | $12,77 |
American International Group | NYSE | $59,10 | 17-07-2023 | +2,00% | $3.859.751 | $57,94 | $59,36 | $57,94 |
Albany International | NYSE | $93,75 | 17-07-2023 | +0,44% | $121.124 | $93,34 | $94,95 | $93,23 |
Virtus AllianzGI Artificial Intelligence & Technology Opportunities Fd | NYSE | $18,85 | 17-07-2023 | +0,53% | $82.739 | $18,75 | $18,87 | $18,75 |
AAR | NYSE | $58,40 | 17-07-2023 | +0,41% | $199.202 | $58,16 | $59,07 | $58,16 |
Apartment Income REIT | NYSE | $35,75 | 17-07-2023 | –1,57% | $618.659 | $36,32 | $36,52 | $35,74 |
Apartment Income REIT | NYSE | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Applied Industrial Technologies | NYSE | $144,91 | 17-07-2023 | +0,30% | $100.078 | $144,47 | $145,73 | $143,71 |
Apartment Investment & Management | NYSE | $8,75 | 17-07-2023 | +0,57% | $1.671.764 | $8,70 | $8,77 | $8,67 |
Assurant | NYSE | $124,65 | 17-07-2023 | –0,12% | $392.929 | $124,80 | $126,29 | $124,22 |
Ajax I | NYSE | $8,72 | 26-08-2021 | –0,91% | $320.839 | $8,80 | $8,86 | $8,43 |
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. | NYSE | $217,20 | 17-07-2023 | +1,53% | $708.841 | $213,93 | $218,10 | $213,93 |
Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings | NYSE | $55,83 | 17-07-2023 | –0,21% | $442.133 | $55,95 | $56,18 | $55,81 |
Great Ajax | NYSE | $7,05 | 17-07-2023 | +0,14% | $139.711 | $7,04 | $7,09 | $6,99 |
Embotelladora Andina | NYSE | $12,06 | 17-07-2023 | –4,50% | $7.930 | $12,63 | $12,64 | $12,00 |
Embotelladora Andina | NYSE | $16,27 | 17-07-2023 | –1,39% | $40.704 | $16,50 | $16,50 | $15,84 |
Acadia Realty Trust | NYSE | $15,15 | 17-07-2023 | +0,73% | $605.020 | $15,04 | $15,21 | $14,94 |
Air Lease | NYSE | $43,04 | 17-07-2023 | +1,75% | $788.548 | $42,30 | $43,30 | $42,14 |
Albemarle | NYSE | $237,66 | 17-07-2023 | +1,51% | $880.448 | $234,12 | $239,45 | $234,00 |
Alcon | NYSE | $84,28 | 17-07-2023 | +0,11% | $537.395 | $84,19 | $84,61 | $83,78 |
Allete | NYSE | $57,93 | 17-07-2023 | +0,47% | $299.052 | $57,66 | $58,22 | $57,24 |
Alexander & Baldwin | NYSE | $18,79 | 17-07-2023 | +0,21% | $232.937 | $18,75 | $18,93 | $18,66 |
Alamo Group | NYSE | $197,34 | 17-07-2023 | +3,86% | $59.169 | $190,00 | $198,58 | $189,26 |
Alaska Air Group | NYSE | $52,16 | 17-07-2023 | –0,11% | $1.227.757 | $52,22 | $52,63 | $51,77 |
Allstate Corp (The) | NYSE | $102,41 | 17-07-2023 | +1,10% | $1.950.979 | $101,30 | $102,56 | $100,57 |
Allegion | NYSE | $124,19 | 17-07-2023 | +1,38% | $632.182 | $122,50 | $124,58 | $121,87 |
Ally Financial | NYSE | $27,60 | 17-07-2023 | +1,25% | $4.756.288 | $27,26 | $27,73 | $27,17 |
Alion Science & Technology | NYSE | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |
Allison Transmission Holdings | NYSE | $58,52 | 17-07-2023 | +1,16% | $523.393 | $57,85 | $58,73 | $57,69 |
Alta Equipment Group | NYSE | $17,08 | 17-07-2023 | +2,83% | $143.073 | $16,61 | $17,32 | $16,61 |
Alussa Energy Acquisition | NYSE | $9,40 | 06-07-2021 | –2,49% | $98.192 | $9,64 | $9,69 | $9,39 |
Naam | Exchange | Laatste slotkoers | Datum | Verschil vorige slotkoers | Volume | Open | Hoogste | Laagste |
ATA Creativity Global | Nasdaq | $1,44 | 17-07-2023 | +0,01% | $2.093 | $1,44 | $1,46 | $1,44 |
Artius Acquisition | Nasdaq | $9,99 | 24-06-2021 | +1,52% | $3.996.043 | $9,84 | $10,74 | $9,80 |
American Airlines Group | Nasdaq | $18,18 | 17-07-2023 | +0,78% | $14.825.417 | $18,04 | $18,38 | $18,00 |
Atlantic American | Nasdaq | $1,80 | 17-07-2023 | –4,76% | $3.631 | $1,89 | $1,89 | $1,80 |
Applied Optoelectronics | Nasdaq | $8,89 | 17-07-2023 | –1,33% | $3.893.568 | $9,01 | $9,83 | $8,54 |
AAON | Nasdaq | $103,82 | 17-07-2023 | +4,28% | $338.648 | $99,56 | $104,76 | $99,56 |
Apple | Nasdaq | $193,99 | 17-07-2023 | +1,09% | $50.520.159 | $191,90 | $194,32 | $191,81 |
Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings | Nasdaq | $102,48 | 17-03-2023 | 0,00% | $1.527.211 | $102,48 | $102,50 | $102,47 |
Axon Enterprise | Nasdaq | $174,54 | 25-01-2021 | +0,62% | $609.610 | $173,46 | $177,71 | $168,03 |
Ameris Bancorp | Nasdaq | $37,45 | 17-07-2023 | +3,11% | $507.065 | $36,32 | $37,79 | $36,25 |
AbCellera Biologics | Nasdaq | $7,55 | 17-07-2023 | +5,45% | $1.744.405 | $7,16 | $7,62 | $7,02 |
Abcam | Nasdaq | $23,86 | 17-07-2023 | +0,04% | $773.208 | $23,85 | $24,01 | $23,79 |
Abeona Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $4,00 | 17-07-2023 | +3,09% | $156.370 | $3,88 | $4,08 | $3,85 |
ABG Acquisition Corp I | Nasdaq | $10,19 | 27-02-2023 | +0,10% | $2.115 | $10,18 | $10,19 | $10,18 |
ARCA biopharma | Nasdaq | $2,04 | 17-07-2023 | +0,99% | $14.536 | $2,02 | $2,05 | $2,02 |
Abiomed | Nasdaq | $381,02 | 21-12-2022 | +0,06% | $20.612.257 | $380,78 | $381,28 | $380,51 |
Airbnb | Nasdaq | $145,36 | 17-07-2023 | +2,16% | $5.755.755 | $142,29 | $147,40 | $142,29 |
Absolute Software | Nasdaq | $11,49 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $565.286 | $11,49 | $11,49 | $11,48 |
Allegiance Bancshares | Nasdaq | $41,99 | 29-09-2022 | –3,45% | $83.628 | $43,49 | $43,49 | $41,88 |
Arbutus Biopharma | Nasdaq | $2,25 | 17-07-2023 | +0,90% | $399.496 | $2,23 | $2,27 | $2,22 |
Acies Acquisition | Nasdaq | $10,76 | 17-07-2023 | +0,00% | $1.953 | $10,76 | $10,81 | $10,76 |
Acadia Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $33,47 | 17-07-2023 | +2,21% | $3.630.822 | $32,74 | $33,74 | $31,90 |
Acamar Partners Acquisition | Nasdaq | $11,20 | 31-12-2020 | –0,88% | $1.325.331 | $11,30 | $11,45 | $11,15 |
Atlantic Capital Bancshares | Nasdaq | $32,34 | 28-02-2022 | +1,86% | $125.822 | $31,75 | $32,45 | $30,74 |
Accolade | Nasdaq | $13,98 | 17-07-2023 | +3,86% | $396.954 | $13,46 | $14,09 | $13,29 |
Acer Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $0,86 | 17-07-2023 | –0,46% | $103.487 | $0,86 | $0,86 | $0,82 |
Adicet Bio | Nasdaq | $3,21 | 17-07-2023 | +2,88% | $481.944 | $3,12 | $3,29 | $3,07 |
ACE Convergence Acquisition | Nasdaq | $10,48 | 23-11-2022 | +16,32% | $202.291 | $9,01 | $15,15 | $7,57 |
Arch Capital Group | Nasdaq | $80,61 | 17-07-2023 | +4,24% | $3.621.681 | $77,33 | $81,39 | $77,31 |
Acadia Healthcare Company | Nasdaq | $73,09 | 17-07-2023 | –3,05% | $811.524 | $75,39 | $75,80 | $72,78 |
Achieve Life Sciences | Nasdaq | $5,57 | 17-07-2023 | +4,70% | $51.706 | $5,32 | $5,70 | $5,30 |
Acacia Communications | Nasdaq | $114,99 | 26-02-2021 | +0,03% | $655.294 | $114,95 | $115,00 | $114,93 |
AC Immune | Nasdaq | $3,05 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $135.569 | $3,05 | $3,08 | $2,93 |
ACI Worldwide | Nasdaq | $24,25 | 17-07-2023 | +0,83% | $415.125 | $24,05 | $24,46 | $24,02 |
Axcelis Technologies | Nasdaq | $192,27 | 17-07-2023 | +5,06% | $846.090 | $183,01 | $193,61 | $181,94 |
ACM Research | Nasdaq | $13,52 | 17-07-2023 | +1,27% | $399.812 | $13,35 | $13,73 | $13,32 |
ACNB | Nasdaq | $32,88 | 17-07-2023 | +1,48% | $7.772 | $32,40 | $33,00 | $32,40 |
Acorda Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $16,65 | 17-07-2023 | +9,68% | $13.098 | $15,18 | $16,95 | $14,81 |
Aclaris Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $10,89 | 17-07-2023 | –0,37% | $533.537 | $10,93 | $11,12 | $10,84 |
Acelrx Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $1,11 | 17-07-2023 | –6,72% | $90.462 | $1,19 | $1,19 | $1,10 |
Acasti Pharma | Nasdaq | $2,65 | 17-07-2023 | +6,43% | $27.982 | $2,49 | $2,71 | $2,45 |
ArcLight Clean Transition | Nasdaq | $18,09 | 14-06-2021 | –5,44% | $2.036.335 | $19,13 | $20,12 | $17,90 |
Acacia Research | Nasdaq | $4,09 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $88.933 | $4,09 | $4,16 | $4,08 |
Adagene | Nasdaq | $1,45 | 17-07-2023 | –3,97% | $18.834 | $1,51 | $1,51 | $1,35 |
Adaptimmune Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $0,90 | 17-07-2023 | +0,10% | $1.204.277 | $0,90 | $0,94 | $0,89 |
Adobe | Nasdaq | $522,00 | 17-07-2023 | +1,75% | $2.646.013 | $513,00 | $522,69 | $512,38 |
Advanced Emissions Solutions | Nasdaq | $1,59 | 17-07-2023 | +0,63% | $29.820 | $1,58 | $1,61 | $1,58 |
Analog Devices | Nasdaq | $196,36 | 17-07-2023 | +3,03% | $3.249.112 | $190,58 | $197,54 | $190,58 |
Adial Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $0,29 | 17-07-2023 | +16,11% | $814.161 | $0,25 | $0,29 | $0,25 |
Adma Biologics | Nasdaq | $3,59 | 17-07-2023 | +0,84% | $1.304.984 | $3,56 | $3,64 | $3,56 |
Adamis Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $2,04 | 17-07-2023 | –4,42% | $58.785 | $2,13 | $2,21 | $2,00 |
Adamas Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $8,22 | 23-11-2021 | –0,24% | $3.151.400 | $8,24 | $8,25 | $8,18 |
Advent Technologies Holdings | Nasdaq | $0,84 | 17-07-2023 | +3,31% | $383.995 | $0,81 | $0,85 | $0,81 |
Edoc Acquisition | Nasdaq | $11,15 | 17-07-2023 | –0,18% | $1.942 | $11,17 | $11,17 | $11,15 |
Automatic Data Processing | Nasdaq | $233,72 | 17-07-2023 | +2,39% | $1.700.876 | $228,26 | $234,44 | $228,26 |
Adaptive Biotechnologies | Nasdaq | $7,37 | 17-07-2023 | +2,93% | $967.859 | $7,16 | $7,52 | $7,04 |
Autodesk | Nasdaq | $213,73 | 17-07-2023 | +0,11% | $1.428.654 | $213,49 | $216,12 | $212,70 |
Adtran | Nasdaq | $10,30 | 17-07-2023 | –0,10% | $550.633 | $10,31 | $10,43 | $10,22 |
Aditx Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $0,42 | 17-07-2023 | +0,95% | $109.707 | $0,42 | $0,43 | $0,41 |
Addus HomeCare | Nasdaq | $91,55 | 17-07-2023 | +1,58% | $81.991 | $90,13 | $91,64 | $90,13 |
Advantage Solutions | Nasdaq | $2,54 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $445.523 | $2,54 | $2,58 | $2,51 |
Adverum Biotechnologies | Nasdaq | $2,23 | 17-07-2023 | +9,85% | $753.832 | $2,03 | $2,23 | $2,03 |
Addex Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $0,57 | 17-07-2023 | –7,81% | $20.478 | $0,62 | $0,62 | $0,57 |
Advaxis | Nasdaq | $0,88 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $679 | $0,88 | $0,88 | $0,88 |
Aegion | Nasdaq | $29,99 | 14-05-2021 | –0,03% | $3.631.180 | $30,00 | $30,14 | $29,96 |
Antelope Enterprise Holdings | Nasdaq | $0,69 | 17-07-2023 | +3,58% | $37.493 | $0,67 | $0,70 | $0,67 |
Aehr Test Systems | Nasdaq | $52,17 | 17-07-2023 | +5,01% | $3.550.502 | $49,68 | $52,72 | $48,18 |
Alset EHome International | Nasdaq | $1,95 | 17-07-2023 | +2,16% | $37.959 | $1,91 | $1,97 | $1,87 |
Advanced Energy Industries | Nasdaq | $120,30 | 17-07-2023 | +2,86% | $239.209 | $116,96 | $121,01 | $116,83 |
Aethlon Medical | Nasdaq | $0,43 | 17-07-2023 | –0,77% | $533.684 | $0,43 | $0,44 | $0,40 |
American Electric Power Company | Nasdaq | $85,48 | 17-07-2023 | –1,63% | $3.162.286 | $86,90 | $87,00 | $85,43 |
Aerie Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $15,25 | 18-11-2022 | +0,07% | $1.215.184 | $15,24 | $15,25 | $15,24 |
Allied Esports Entertainment | Nasdaq | $0,98 | 01-12-2022 | –32,41% | $601.141 | $1,45 | $1,45 | $0,91 |
Addvantage Technologies Group | Nasdaq | $0,62 | 17-07-2023 | –0,08% | $21.543 | $0,62 | $0,65 | $0,62 |
AudioEye | Nasdaq | $5,37 | 17-07-2023 | –3,24% | $9.800 | $5,55 | $5,77 | $5,37 |
Aeterna Zentaris | Nasdaq | $2,92 | 17-07-2023 | +4,28% | $7.186 | $2,80 | $2,94 | $2,77 |
Affinity Bancshares | Nasdaq | $12,24 | 17-07-2023 | +0,24% | $634 | $12,21 | $12,24 | $12,21 |
AFC Gamma | Nasdaq | $13,13 | 17-07-2023 | +3,79% | $140.274 | $12,65 | $13,14 | $12,65 |
Acutus Medical | Nasdaq | $0,76 | 17-07-2023 | –5,14% | $638.398 | $0,80 | $0,90 | $0,74 |
American Fin Tr | Nasdaq | $8,23 | 14-02-2022 | –0,60% | $633.480 | $8,28 | $8,35 | $8,19 |
Affimed | Nasdaq | $0,63 | 17-07-2023 | +0,82% | $260.680 | $0,62 | $0,65 | $0,62 |
Affirm Holdings | Nasdaq | $17,12 | 17-07-2023 | +4,71% | $12.892.340 | $16,35 | $17,54 | $15,90 |
Afya | Nasdaq | $15,55 | 17-07-2023 | +1,63% | $319.764 | $15,30 | $15,64 | $15,08 |
Agba Acquisition | Nasdaq | $1,31 | 17-07-2023 | +0,77% | $99.579 | $1,30 | $1,36 | $1,30 |
Altimeter Growth | Nasdaq | $13,50 | 29-11-2021 | –2,17% | $2.974.854 | $13,80 | $14,00 | $13,20 |
Agenus | Nasdaq | $1,73 | 17-07-2023 | –1,14% | $2.740.865 | $1,75 | $1,84 | $1,72 |
AgroFresh Solutions | Nasdaq | $2,99 | 29-03-2023 | –0,33% | $137.497 | $3,00 | $3,00 | $2,99 |
Agrify | Nasdaq | $2,89 | 17-07-2023 | –5,56% | $39.454 | $3,06 | $3,21 | $2,89 |
Agios Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | $27,16 | 17-07-2023 | –0,37% | $338.310 | $27,26 | $27,94 | $27,13 |
Aeglea BioTherapeutics | Nasdaq | $0,60 | 17-07-2023 | +8,60% | $4.900.836 | $0,55 | $0,61 | $0,53 |
AGM Group Holdings | Nasdaq | $1,85 | 17-07-2023 | 0,00% | $595 | $1,85 | $1,85 | $1,85 |
AGNC Investment | Nasdaq | $10,21 | 17-07-2023 | +0,89% | $7.725.755 | $10,12 | $10,24 | $10,04 |
Agile Therapeutics | Nasdaq | $2,99 | 17-07-2023 | +4,55% | $37.410 | $2,86 | $3,00 | $2,84 |
Applied Genetic Technologies | Nasdaq | $0,39 | 30-11-2022 | +6,38% | $764.531 | $0,37 | $0,40 | $0,37 |
Agilysys | Nasdaq | $67,79 | 17-07-2023 | –3,68% | $185.648 | $70,38 | $70,56 | $67,68 |
Alpha Healthcare Acquisition | Nasdaq | $10,96 | 26-08-2021 | +7,45% | $298.128 | $10,20 | $11,27 | $10,17 |
AdaptHealth | Nasdaq | $13,48 | 17-07-2023 | +1,97% | $805.191 | $13,22 | $13,49 | $13,15 |
Avadim Health | Nasdaq | $3,92 | 17-07-2023 | –2,97% | $189.632 | $4,04 | $4,10 | $3,81 |
Allied Healthcare Product | Nasdaq | $0,55 | 02-02-2023 | +0,55% | $375.288 | $0,55 | $0,63 | $0,50 |
Aegis Identity Software | Nasdaq | – | 10-02-2025 | – | – | – | – | – |